Lovel’s lifelong career of volunteering and community service began at a very early age by shoveling snow for neighbors and continued for the rest of his life. Some of his many accomplishments include:
- One of the founding families of Holy Family School
- Recipient of Holy Family School’s “Humanitarian Award,” (later renamed “Lovel Briere Distinguished Humanitarian Award”)
- Recipient of the Knights of Columbus Washington State and International Family of the Year Awards for his service to the Catholic Church
- Recipient of the “Salvation Army Volunteer of the Year Award” (later renamed “Lovel Briere Salvation Army Volunteer of the Year Award”)
- Founder of the Bernie Tourney, a golf tournament to raise funds for Catholic education
- Smokey the Bear in the pet parade for 36 years
- Softball and basketball coach
- Actively involved in the Respect for Life movement
- Started the Veteran’s Appreciation Dinner to honor vets
- Member of the Victorious Missionaries to provide spiritual support for persons with disabilities and their family and friends
- Ran the concession stand at St. Martin’s University donating his paycheck to the Bernie Briere scholarship fund
- Member of Holy Name Society
- Member and past district deputy and Grand Knight for the Knights of Columbus (Fr. Nicholas Rausch OSB Council #1643)
- 2006 Capital Lakefair Grand Parade Marshal
- Tree of Life member for blood donation over 200 times
- Active fundraiser for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation to bring awareness and some day a cure for the disease that took the life of three of his children.