Our administration and staff prepared three distinct educational models to respond to directives related to COVID-19. These models are described in the 2020-2021 Educational Plan which is included IN THIS LINK.
Pope John Paul II is a 1B high school operating under the auspices of the Archdiocese of Seattle which means we follow the directives of Archbishop Etienne. His guidance is to follow protocols and procedures published by local county health departments. Therefore, JPII stays in contact with Thurston County Health Department and namely, Dr. Dimyana Abdelmalck, the County Health Officer.
As we enhance our distance educational model to maximize those things so important to our JPII community: classroom environments rich in discussion and community building, campus ministry activities to nurture faith, and one-to-one support for students, we hope you will each take time to read through the plan details and discuss them as a family.
We appreciate your support in helping our students, faculty and staff stay safe and healthy throughout this pandemic.