Senior Anna Brown Helps Promote the JPII Advantage in ThurstonTalk Anna understands that leaders take initiative. Despite many challenges, she continuously steps up to guide the JPII National Honor Society and actively leads as a contributing member of the student body. As the JPII Annual NHS Chili Drive kicked off, she recognized the

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The JPII performing arts class delivers again. Even when our students are learning at a distance, their creativity is boosted through the inspiration and direction of Mr. Bob McKenzie-Sullivan. This project started with a creative writing challenge whereby students created a Christmas story. The twist comes when the monologues are performed

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2020-2021 JPII Education Plan Updated: March 5, 2021 | Posted: January 26, 2021 JPII students returned to campus on Tuesday, January 5, 2021, while following the big-three mitigation protocols: wearing a mask, physical distancing and washing hands. Additionally, our leadership team firmly believes in the effectiveness of daily in-person

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